October 23, 2024
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The O.R.M.A. project wants to establish a register of SMEs, suitable for issuing to the participants certificates that can be spent with stakeholders on the environmental management and improvement processes started.

In this register, will be included companies and organizations that initiate, for their own free choice, simplified environmental reporting paths of a voluntary nature, within their own financial statements, in a manner consistent with the existing paths towards “integrated reporting” ( see EU Directive 95/2014 and national transposition laws), with the production of environmental and energy data, suitable for promoting internal management control processes, communications to stakeholders, and transfers of information (in particular energy performances) to Municipalities and other Territorial Bodies to help planning and monitoring of the territory, in exchange for incentives and concessions.

Among the main opportunities for businesses and organizations, are highlighted the following:

– possibility of simplified energy diagnosis;

– possibility of matching supply and demand of materials and resources, used and expelled from the production cycle,

– improvement of internal management control and prevention of possible risk situations and penalties for environmental crimes / breaches;

– production of environmental reports, to be valorized in collaboration with the Municipalities of reference and other bodies participating in the initiative;

– better possibilities for raising financial resources: bank and other loans at favorable conditions, green bonds, crowd funding, private equity.

the O.R.M.A. project is starting a collaboration with the Italian branch of “The Economy for the Common Good”,  ( in Italian “Economia del Bene Comune” – EBC) an international movement created to promote a new economic model based on the maximization of the common good. The EBC is a lever for change on an economic, political and social level – a bridge between an old and contradictory economic system and a new way of understanding and practicing the economy.

EBC Logo

Entities that sponsor the O.R.M.A.project

federesco logo ASS.I.WA.MA.